Rooted in God’s Word. Growing in His Presence. Reaching the world for Christ.

Sunday Services at 9am + 11am | 6541 Arborcrest Rd, Loveland OH


Prayer Series: Confession

During the prayer service, you’re invited to slow down and sit in a time of reflection. We discuss the Spiritual Disciple of confession + repentance.

Click here to watch the other sermons in this series!


  • Men's Cookout

    May 9th | 6pm

    Join the men of Branches and the greater Loveland area for a fun evening of fellowship at the Men’s Cookout!

  • Mother's Day Child Dedications

    May 12th | 9am + 11am

    We take the time on Mother’s Day to dedicate our children to the Lord. This does not replace or equate to baptism. We simply promise, as a church, to walk alongside families, encouraging them as they raise their children to follow Jesus. If you have a child you would like to deicate, email us now!

  • Bloom in Season

    May 15th | 6:30p - 8:30p

    Bloom in Season is a time of fellowship and encouragement with women in all walks of life. Bloom in Season will take place every third Wednesday of the month at various locations listed below. Please sign up and bring a friend!


John 15:5

Randy Teaching

Rooted in God’s Word

Understanding that the source of our nourishment only comes from the strength of our roots, we believe that scripture was written for today. In each life there are daily challenges that can be guided by the principles and situations that we learn from the Bible. Creating fertile ground is the beginning of the development process.

Growing in his Presence

We are always changing. We daily adapt to the environment around us. We stand firm against the wind and become stronger because of it. We will look different tomorrow because of the growth that’s taking place today. We strive to put our study into action. We spend time mentoring relationships, serving others, challenging and encouraging and working to become stronger in our faith.

Reaching the World for Christ

We stretch out beyond our comfort to have an impact around us. We extend our coverage, our shelter, and our protection to everyone around, so that they can be rooted and grow as we do. We long to take steps in a purposeful direction and make connections with others who need to develop roots and grow.

Let’s connect.

We’d love to get to know you and learn how we can best serve you and your family.

