“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20
At Branches, we believe in being Rooted in God’s Word, Growing in His presence, and Reaching the world for Christ. Jesus has invited us into His mission to ‘seek and save the lost’ by making disciples. We partner with gospel-centered disciples and organizations to obey this Great Commission, both locally and to the ends of the earth. Throughout the year, Branches offers opportunities for people of all ages to be involved in missions. If you’re interested in learning more or joining Branches for local and beyond missions, please contact info@brancheschurch.us or speak to a staff member.
Feed Our Flock helps the community by relieving poverty, facilitating access to wellness, and tending to the care of the kids of Milford. Branches specifically partners with FOF to provide nutrition bags for school breaks and Easter baskets every year.
You can serve at any time with FOF by helping to pack food bags!
Branches is able to meet physical or relational needs of local hurting children and families as identified and vetted by child welfare workers. Through this partnership we strengthen biological families, help preserve foster/kinship placements, and help reunify biological families. If interested in being part of the process when needs are identified, contact Pastor Randy.
Providing sound Nutrition and targeted Education in a Safe neighborhood environment to Transform the outcome of at-risk school-age children. We partner with NEST during the summer every year to serve with their day camps.
Join NEST by serving through tutoring or summer day camps.
The Loveland Care Center demonstrates the love of God in practical ways as they work to provide CARE: Community, Assistance, Resources, and Encouragement. At Branches, we focus specifically on collecting diapers for the Care Center.
3Waters provides personalized treatment that focus on the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of each person. Committed to serving individuals and families affected by mental health disorders and the disease of addiction.
Traditions on Deerfield is a local retirement home that we serve every week through Bible studies. Contact Pastor Ted for more information.
The Healing Center offers practical, social, and spiritual support to individuals and families.
CGM cares for the city through food and shelter, youth, jobs, and recovery programs. Join them through one of their various ministries!
Ministering the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ on the Navajo Reservation in the Four Corners area of the United States.
In the summer of 2023, GCFM is looking for 10 camp counselors to work a 4-week internship in July.
Assisting those who do (or desire to do) youth ministry in addition to leading domestic and international mission trips.
At Branches, our student group takes an annual trip with Ignite - most recently to Myrtle Beach to partner with Impact Ministries.