Better Together
7.10.22 - 7.31.22 | Summer Series in Nisbet Park
Join Branches Church this summer at Nisbet Park at 10AM for our yearly time together in the park. This summer we look at how we are better together as a community of believers in Christ. We do this while inviting new members of the local community of Loveland to join with us in worship and teachings in the outdoors throughout the month of July.

Join Us at Nisbet Park
126 Karl Brown Way
Loveland, OH 45140
Service Time
Sundays at 10AM
Put on your tackiest Hawaiian shirt and your cheesiest lay as we all enjoy the warm summer weather together with some free Hawaiian Ice and pretend we are on a beach.
Bring your dog to church outdoors as we have our annual dog show. And in case you don’t bring a dog, feel welcome to grab a free hot dog for lunch!
Bring a friend as we have free icecream and a car show as we cool off after church. We also are having river baptisms at 11AM following service. CLICK HERE to learn more about baptisms and to sign up
Grab a friend and dress up as your favorite iconic duo as we close out our summer in the park by celebrating duos that are BETTER TOGETHER. We also will have walking tacos to enjoy after service!
Better Together | Week One
Better Together | Week Two
Better Together | Week Three
Better Together | Week Four